I offer individual writing coaching from the 6th grade through 12th grade as well as for college students and adult learners.

Writing is a skill. Since it is a skill, that means that anyone can improve their writing with attention and practice. Some students are natural-born writers while many are not. Regardless of your student’s skill level, there is alway room for improvement in their writing. 

I offer two levels of tutorial.

Primary Development

Middle School ($60 per session)

I use the art of narration as the primary tool to coach writing. As students progress through the middle-school levels, we will transition into paragraph writing and beginning essay writing on works of literature. By the end of their eighth grade year, students will be prepared for high-school level essay writing.

Depending on your student’s needs, I may integrate grammar instruction and exercises or recommend grammar curriculum to aid the development of their writing skills.

High School ($75 per session)

At the high school level, I coach formal essay writing in five areas: invention, arrangement, elocution, revision, and citation. Formal essay writing serves every area of academic study, from the humanities to the sciences. No matter where your student struggles or thrives, we can improve his or her writing at any of these stages and content areas.

creative writing

Looking for coaching for creative writing? I can do that, too! Whether you or your student writes short stories, poems, or aspires to write the next Great American Novel, tutorials are available for creative writing endeavors as well. We can also integrate creative writing into your student’s writing plan.


Secondary Development

high school and college ($75 per session)

Looking for coaching work for existing classes or assignments? I can come alongside your student to help with project management and to improve the quality and effectiveness of their writing.

Instead of the writing tutorial being their primary curriculum, we would work on existing class assignments to help them be better written communicators. This is especially helpful for students already in programs who need outside help with their writing, students writing a senior thesis, and college students juggling writing assignments across multiple classes.



  • None.


Middle school students will need to purchase their own copies of selected literature.

High school and college students will need a copy of the MLA Handbook, Ninth Edition. Other materials will be determined on a case-by-case basis, depending upon the student’s needs. 

Day and Time

  • Sessions are one-hour via Zoom.

  • Time slots are available from 2–6 p.m. (ET) weekdays.

  • Recommended pace for primary development: weekly sessions

  • Recommended pace for secondary development: every other week


  • $75 per session ($60 for middle school)

  • I bill on a package basis, preferably by semester. Payment for your package is due in full, up front. You can add additional sessions to your package at any time. Unused sessions must be used within the same school year.

Want to pursue one-on-one tutorials for your student? Have more questions? Set up a free 30-minute Tutoring Inquiry Meeting.